FOXBORO FBMSVH模块是用于工业自动化过程控制的现场总线系统的一部分。
FOXBORO FBMSVH模块是专为集成在FOXBORO DCS(分布式控制系统)体系结构中的专用组件。该模块支持各种现场总线协议,允许现场设备与控制系统之间的无缝高效通信。FBMSVH模块通常处理模拟和数字信号处理,能够高精度地监测和控制工业过程。
- **通信协议:**支持标准现场总线协议(例如,基金会现场总线,Profibus等)。
- **输入/输出通道:**可配置的I/O通道的各种类型的传感器和执行器。
- **供电电压:**一般工作在指定的直流电压下(如24V DC)。
- **环境条件:**设计在一系列温度和湿度水平下工作,适用于各种工业环境。
# # #规格:
- **尺寸:**(具体尺寸根据型号而定)
- **重量:**(具体重量以型号为准)
- **安装类型:** DIN导轨或面板安装。
- **防护等级:**防护等级(如IP65),防尘防水。
- **信号处理能力:**支持多种数据速率和信号类型(模拟,数字)。
- **隔离电压:**在现场设备和控制系统之间提供电气隔离,以确保安全。
FOXBORO FBMSVH模块广泛应用于各种工业应用,包括:
- **过程自动化:**用于石化、石油和天然气以及制造业的过程监控。
- **数据采集:**从各种传感器采集实时数据并传送到控制系统进行分析。
- **远程监控:**便于对现场设备进行远程访问和控制,提高作业效率。
- **与SCADA系统集成:**可集成到监控和数据采集(SCADA)系统中,以增强可视化和控制能力。
# # #的结论:
FOXBORO FBMSVH模块是现代工业自动化系统的重要组成部分,提供强大的通信,信号处理的灵活性,以及与其他控制技术的集成,确保关键过程的有效运行和监控。
IS200ESELH2A | Exciter Selector Board IS200ESELH2A uses three bridge drivers to operate. This board is used with the EMIO and EGPA boards to help fire up to six SCRs. | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200ESELH2AAA | GE Industrial Systems EX2100 Series IS200ESELH2AAA GE Printed Circuit Board | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS200ESELH3A | Model IS200ESELH3A is an Exciter Selector Board in the EX2100 series. The ESEL boards increase in redundancy level with each group. | Call for Availability | |
IS200ESYSH1A | General Electric EX2100e System Interface Board IS200ESYSH1A is used with generator voltage PTs and CTS needed for protection functions. The IS200ESYSH1A accepts customer I/Os and puts out transducers. | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200ESYSH1ABB | GE Industrial Systems EX2100E Series IS200ESYSH1ABB Triple Modular Redundant EX2100E Series Systems I/O Board | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS200ESYSH2A | The IS200ESYSH2A model is part of the EX2100e series as a System Interface Board with removable terminal strips. The IS200ESYSH2A model can be used in both regulator and static systems. | Call for Availability | |
IS200ESYSH2AAA | GE Industrial Systems EX2100 Series IS200ESYSH1ABB Triple Modular Redundant EX2100 Series Systems I/O Board | In Stock Ships 3-5 Days | |
IS200ESYSH3A | The IS200ESYSH3A model operates as a simplex control as part of the EX2100e series and has seven auxiliary contact inputs which are powered by 55 VDC. | Call for Availability | |
IS200EXAMG1A | Exciter Attenuator Module IS200EXAMG1A is a bridge protection board in the EX2100 series. It is used to apply low frequencies to sense resistors and drive the electrical center of the field winding. | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200EXAMG1AAB | General Electric EX2100 series IS200EXAMG1AAB Exciter Attenuation Module | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200EXAMG1B | GE EX2100 Series Company IS200EXAMG1B Exciter Attenuation Module is designed to be mounted in the auxiliary control cabinet and applies low-frequency signals from the EGDM to the resistor. | In Stock Ships Today | |
IS200EXCSG1A | GE's Exciter Conduction Sensor Board IS200EXCSG1A is a bridge and protection board. This board has four conduction sensor which detects currents in the bus. This board has a single-plug connector. | Call for Availability |
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